Hospital Information

Medical enquiries coordination

Hospital Information


Exchange Square, 4th floor, No.405, Building 19&20, St. 106, Sangkat Wat Phnom, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Mon - Fri :

8 : 00 AM - 6 : 00 PM

081 99 88 98 / 012 88 92 60

Choose Department

Welcome to the five-star building of Bumrungrad International Hospital, which provides world-class universal health care for international patients from 190 countries around the world who come here for treatment.

Airport Pick Up

Airport Pick Up

Appointment with the specialist doctor

Appointment with the specialist doctor

Emergency, Ground Ambulance & Air Ambulance

Emergency, Ground Ambulance & Air Ambulance

Hospital Information

Hospital Information

Khmer Interpreter

Khmer Interpreter

Medical enquiries coordination

Medical enquiries coordination

Medication Arrangement

Medication Arrangement




HIGHEST Quality CareBest Service

Hospital Information

Medical enquiries coordination

Appointment with the specialist doctor

Airport Pick Up

Khmer Interpreter

Medication Arrangement

Emergency, Ground Ambulance & Air Ambulance


What Our Patients Say

Very happy to have met with Dr. He was thorough about what to expect regarding my procedure and was very empathetic during our whole conversation. I left his office with great hope and know that I am in great hands. The staff was amazing and professional. It was a very good experience. I only wish there were more facilities that give a patient the attention that’s needed.

I am most grateful to Dr.for his very kind attention to my needs and fears and for his clear and helpful guidance as to the options that were available for...

R Serlin


is a very nice and professional Doctor. everything is very well to her patient. The patient feels so confident and in good hands no doubt.

Sunshine NY


Dr. has been clear and concise when explaining to us the procedure and the many steps that followed. Along with being extremely patient and caring.

Lisa mill

project manager

Doctors are knowledgeable and care about their patients. Rooms are clean and the staff is amazing. Friendly and quick to get you in and out.

Alex Ross



HIGHEST Quality CareBest Service

Our Stories, Tips & Latest News

Alzheimer's Awareness Month: Reduce Risk Factors
for over 30 years, Alzheimer's research has sought answers about the progressive and irreversible brain disorder that affects millions worldwide, slowly destroying memory and cognitive skills. While we don't have a cure yet, research delivered insights into causes and symptom man...
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Understanding the Condition and Ava...
Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a type of stroke that occurs when there is bleeding in the space surrounding the brain. This bleeding can lead to severe headaches, neck pain, nausea, confusion, and even loss of consciousness. It is a life-threatening condition that requires prompt med...
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Understanding the Condition and Ava...
Nowadays, technology has advanced.Evolving modern advanced technology has been introduced to assist in spine surgery. The purposes are to increase accuracy and safety of surgery even more. The O-arm navigation system is a computerized 3D navigation system that scans the spine dur...
The Powerful Connection between Hearing and Brain Function
Hearing loss increased risk of dementia? Hearing checks We live in a world filled with sound, from birds chirping to our favorite tunes playing on the radio. Our ability to hear not only enriches our lives but also plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. Yet, many of us t...

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081 99 88 98 / 012 88 92 60

081 99 88 98 / 012 88 92 60

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Book An Appointment

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081 99 88 98 / 012 88 92 60

mon - fri :

8 : 00 AM - 6 : 00 PM

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081 99 88 98 / 012 88 92 60

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